Journal Articles

  1. M. Lockhart, L. G. Evans, V. Henzl, and J. Mattingly, “Active neutron coincidence counting to determine fissile mass of uranium oxide containing 233U and 235U,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, Section A, accepted January 2025,
  2. M. Rahman and J. Mattingly, “A Hardware/Firmware-Based Switching Gate Multiplexing Method for Pulse Mode Radiation Detectors,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, Section A, Vol. 1066, September 2024, available online,
  3. P. An, C. Awe, P.S. Barbeau, B. Becker, V. Belov, I. Bernardi, C. Bock, A. Bolozdynya, R. Bouabid, A. Brown, J. Browning, B. Cabrera-Palmer, M. Cervantes, E. Conley, J. Daughhetee, J. Detwiler, K. Ding, M. R. Durand, Y. Efremenko, S.R. Elliott, L. Fabris, M. Febbraro, A. Gallo Rosso, A. Galindo-Uribarri, A. C. Germer, M.P. Green, J. Hakenmüller, M.R. Heath, S. Hedges, M. Hughes, B.A. Johnson, T. Johnson, A. Khromov, A. Konovalov, E. Kozlova, A. Kumpan, O. Kyzylova, L. Li, J.M. Link, J. Liu, M. Mahoney, A. Major, K. Mann, D.M. Markoff, J. Mastroberti, J. Mattingly, P.E. Mueller, J. Newby, D. S. Parno, S.I. Penttila, D. Pershey, C.G. Prior, R. Rapp, H. Ray, J. Raybern, O. Razuvaeva, D. Reyna, G.C. Rich, J. Ross, D. Rudik, J. Runge, D.J. Salvat, J. Sander, K. Scholberg, A. Shakirov, G. Simakov, G. Sinev, C. Skuse, W.M. Snow, V. Sosnovtsev, T. Subedi, B. Suh, R. Tayloe, K. Tellez-Giron-Flores, Y.-T. Tsai, E. Ujah, J. Vanderwerp, E.E. van Nieuwenhuizen, R.L. Varner, C.J. Virtue, G. Visser, K. Walkup, E.M. Ward, T. Wongjirad, J. Yoo, C.-H. Yu, A. Zawada, J. Zettlemoyer, and A. Zderic, “Measurement of Electron-Neutrino Charged-Current Cross Sections on 127I with the COHERENT NaIνE Detector,” Physical Review Letters 131(22), November 2023,
  4. I. Meric, E. Alagoz, L. B. Hysing, T. Kögler, D. Lathouwers, W. R. B. Lionheart, J. Mattingly, J. Obhodas, G. Pausch, H. E. S. Pettersen, R. N. Ratliff, M. Rovituso, S. M. Schellhammer, L. M. Setterdahl, K. Skjerdal, E. Sterpin, D. Sudac, J. A. Turko, and K. S. Ytre-Hauge, “A hybrid multi-particle approach to range assessment-based treatment verification in particle therapy,” Scientific Reports 13(6709), April 2023,
  5. Akimov, P. An, C. Awe, P.S. Barbeau, B. Becker, V. Belov, I. Bernardi, M.A. Blackston, C. Bock, A. Bolozdynya, R. Bouabid, J. Browning, B. Cabrera-Palmer, D. Chernyak, E. Conley, J. Daughhetee, J. Detwiler, K. Ding, M.R. Durand, Y Efremenko, S.R. Elliott, L. Fabris, M. Febbraro, A. Gallo Rosso, A. Galindo-Uribarri, M.P. Green, M.R. Heath, S. Hedges, D. Hoang, M. Hughes, B.A. Johnson, T. Johnson, A. Khromov, A. Konovalov, E. Kozlova, A. Kumpan, L. Li, J.M. Link, J. Liu, A. Major, K. Mann, D.M. Markoff, J. Mastroberti, J. Mattingly, P.E. Mueller, J. Newby, D.S. Parno, S.I. Penttila, D. Pershey, C. Prior, R. Rapp, H. Ray, O. Razuvaeva, D. Reyna, G.C. Rich, J. Ross, D. Rudik, J. Runge, D.J. Salvat, A.M. Salyapongse, J. Sander, K. Scholberg, A. Shakirov, G. Simakov, W.M. Snow, V. Sosnovstsev, B. Suh, R. Tayloe, K. Tellez-Giron-Flores, I. Tolstukhin, E. Ujah, .J Vanderwerp, R.L. Varner, C.J. Virtue, G. Visser, T. Wongjirad, Y-R. Yen, J. Yoo, C-H .Yu, J. Zettlemoyer, “COHERENT constraint on leptophobic dark matter using CsI data,” Physical Review D 106(5), September 2022,
  6. A. Moustafa and J. Mattingly, “A new optical photon transport model for application to high aspect ratio scintillation pillars,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, Section A, Vol. 1033, June 2022,
  7. M. Mishra and J. Mattingly, “Convolution-based frequency domain multiplexing of SiPM readouts using the DRS4 digitizer,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, Section A, Vol. 1025, February 2022,
  8. I. J. Michaud, K. Schmidt, R. C. Smith, and J. Mattingly, “A hierarchical Bayesian model for background variation in radiation source localization,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, Section A, Vol. 1002, June 2021,
  9. M. Mishra and J. Mattingly, “Recovery of coincident frequency domain multiplexed detector pulses using sequential deconvolution,” Journal of Instrumentation, Vol. 16, March 2021,
  10. R. A. Weldon, Jr., J. M. Mueller, M. Mishra, C. Awe, S. Hedges, L. Li, P. Barbeau, and J. Mattingly, “Characterization of stilbene’s scintillation anisotropy for neutrons between 0.56 and 10 MeV,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, Section A, Vol. 977, October 2020,
  11. R. A. Weldon, J. M. Mueller, and J. Mattingly, “Exploiting stilbene’s scintillation anisotropy for neutron source localization,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, Section A, Vol. 967, July 2020,
  12. P. R. Miles, J. A. Cook, Z. V. Angers, C. J. Swenson, B. C. Kiedrowski, J. Mattingly, and R. C. Smith, “Radiation Source Localization using Surrogate Models Constructed from 3-D Monte Carlo Transport Physics Simulations,” Nuclear Technology, Vol. 207, May 2020,
  13. A. Bernstein, N. Bowden, B. L. Goldblum, P. Huber, I. Jovanovic, and J. Mattingly, “Colloquium: Neutrino Detectors as Tools for Nuclear Security,” Reviews of Modern Physics, Vol. 92, Issue 1, March 2020,
  14. A. R. Clark, J. Mattingly, and J. A. Favorite, “Application of neutron multiplicity counting experiments to optimal cross section adjustments,” Nuclear Science and Engineering, Vol. 194, pp. 308-333, March 2020,
  15. R. A. Weldon, J. M. Mueller, P. Barbeau, and J. Mattingly, “Measurement of EJ-228 plastic scintillator proton light output using a coincident neutron scatter technique,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, Section A, Vol. 953, February 2020,
  16. J. A. Cook, R. C. Smith, J. M. Hite, R. Stefanescu, and J. Mattingly, “Application and Evaluation of Surrogate Models for Radiation Source Search,” Algorithms, Vol. 12, Issue 12, pp. 269-292, December 2019,
  17. P. Chapman, J. Mueller, J. Newby, and J. Mattingly, “Exploiting Fission Chain Reaction Dynamics to Image Fissile Materials,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, Section A, Vol. 935, pp. 198-206, August 2019,
  18. K. Schmidt, R. C. Smith, J. Hite, J. Mattingly, Y. Azmy, D. Rajan, and R. Goldhahn, “Sequential optimal positioning of mobile sensors using mutual information,” Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, pp. 1-14, June 2019,
  19. M. Mishra, J. Mattingly, and R. M. Kolbas, “Application of deconvolution to recover frequency-domain multiplexed detector pulses,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, Section A, Vol. 929, pp. 57-65, June 2019,
  20. R. Weldon, J. Mueller, C. Lynch, P. Schuster, S. Hedges, C. Awe, L. Li, P. Barbeau, and J. Mattingly, “High-precision characterization of the neutron light output of stilbene along the directions of maximum and minimum response,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, Section A, Vol. 927, pp. 313-319, May 2019,
  21. R. Stefanescu, J. Hite, J. Cook, R. Smith, and J. Mattingly, “Surrogate-Based Robust Design for a Non-Smooth Radiation Source Detection Problem,” Algorithms, Vol. 12, Issue 6, pp. 113-129, May 2019, Featured on cover.
  22. J. Hite and J. Mattingly, “Bayesian Metropolis Methods for Source Localization in an Urban Environment,” Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 155, pp. 271-274, February 2019,
  23. K. S. Ytre-Hauge, K. Skjerdal, J. Mattingly, and I. Meric, “A Monte Carlo feasibility study for neutron based real-time range verification in proton therapy,” Scientific Reports, Vol. 9, Issue 1, February 2019,
  24. J. Hite, J. Mattingly, D. Archer, M. Willis, A. Rowe, K. Bray, J. Carter, and J. Ghawaly, “Localization of a radioactive source in an urban environment using Bayesian Metropolis methods,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, Section A, Vol. 915, pp. 82-93, January 2019,
  25. J. M. Mueller and J. Mattingly, “Passive One-Dimensional Self-Transmission Imaging of Subcritical Metallic Plutonium Assemblies,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, Section A, Vol. 903, pp. 277-286, September 2018,
  26. M. Mishra, J. Mattingly, J. M. Mueller, and R. M. Kolbas, “Frequency domain multiplexing of pulse mode radiation detectors,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, Section A, Vol. 902, pp. 117-122, September 2018,
  27. E. Brayfindley, R. C. Smith, J. Mattingly, and R. Brigantic, “Automated Defect Detection in Spent Nuclear Fuel Using Combined Cerenkov Radiation and Gamma Emission Tomography Data,” Nuclear Technology, Vol. 204, pp. 343-353, August 2018,
  28. K. Weinfurther, J. Mattingly, E. Brubaker, and J. Steele, “Model-based Design Evaluation of a Compact, High-Efficiency Neutron Scatter Camera,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, Section A, Vol. 883, pp. 115-135, March 2018,
  29. N. Nelson, Y. Azmy, R. Gardner, J. Mattingly, and R. Smith, “Validation and Uncertainty Quantification of Detector Response Functions for a 1″x2″ NaI Collimated Detector for Inverse Radioisotope Source Applications,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, Section B, Vol. 410, pp. 1-15, November 2017,
  30. S. O’Brien, J. Mattingly, and D. Anistratov, “Sensitivity Analysis of Neutron Multiplicity Counting Statistics for a Subcritical Plutonium Metal Benchmark using First-Order Perturbation Theory,” Nuclear Science and Engineering, Vol. 185, pp. 406-425, March 2017,
  31. R. Stefanescu, K. Schmidt, J. Hite, R. Smith, and J. Mattingly, “Hybrid optimization and Bayesian inference techniques for a non-smooth radiation detection problem,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 111, pp. 955-982, December 2016,
  32. J. M. Mueller and J. Mattingly, “Using anisotropies in prompt fission neutron coincidences to assess the neutron multiplication of highly multiplying subcritical plutonium assemblies,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, Section A, Vol. 825, pp. 87-92, July 2016,
  33. S. O’Brien, J. Mattingly, and D. Anistratov, “Sensitivity Analysis of Neutron Multiplicity Counting Statistics Using First Order Perturbation Theory for a Subcritical Plutonium Benchmark,” Journal of Nuclear Materials Management, Vol. 44, pp. 76-82, March 2016. Received J. D. Williams student paper award from INMM.
  34. R. T. Evans, J. Mattingly, and D. G. Cacuci, “Sensitivity Analysis and Data Assimilation in a Subcritical Plutonium Metal Benchmark,” Nuclear Science and Engineering, Vol. 176, pp. 325-338, March 2014,
  35. E. C. Miller, J. K. Mattingly, S. D. Clarke, C. J. Solomon, B. Dennis, A. Meldrum, and S. A. Pozzi, “Computational Evaluation of Neutron Multiplicity Measurements of Polyethylene-Reflected Plutonium Metal,” Nuclear Science and Engineering, Vol. 176, pp. 167-185, February 2014,
  36. I. Meric, G. A. Johansen, J. Mattingly, and R. P. Gardner, “On the ill-conditioning of the multiphase flow measurement by prompt gamma-ray neutron activation analysis,” Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 95, pp. 401-404, February 2014,
  37. Z. T. Bailey and J. Mattingly, “Digital Pulse Shape Discrimination with the XIA Pixie-500 and EJ309,” Journal of Nuclear Materials Management, Vol. 42 pp. 31-37, November 2013. Received J. D. Williams student paper award from INMM.
  38. E. C. Miller, J. L. Dolan, S. D. Clarke, S. A. Pozzi, A. Tomanin, P. Peerani, P. Marleau, and J. K. Mattingly, “Time-correlated pulse-height measurements of low-multiplying nuclear materials,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods, Section A, Vol. 729, pp. 108-116, November 2013,
  39. M. Alamaniotis, J. Mattingly, and L. H. Tsoukalas, “Kernel-Based Machine Learning for Background Estimation of NaI Low Count Gamma Ray Spectra,” Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol. 60, pp. 2209-2221, June 2013,
  40. M. Alamaniotis, J. Mattingly, and L. H. Tsoukalas, “Pareto Optimal Gamma Spectroscopic Radionuclide Identification using Evolutionary Computing,” Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol. 60, pp. 2222-2231, June 2013,
  41. S. A. Pozzi, S. D. Clarke, W. Walsh, E. Miller, J. Dolan, M. Flaska, B. Wieger, A. Enqvist, E. Padovani, J. K. Mattingly, D. Chichester, and P. Peerani, “MCNPX-PoliMi for Nuclear Nonproliferation Applications,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A, Vol. 694, pp. 119-125, December 2012,
  42. E. C. Miller, S. D. Clarke, A. Enqvist, S. A. Pozzi, P. Marleau, J. K. Mattingly, “Characterization of Special Nuclear Material using Time-Correlated Pulse-Height Analysis,” Journal of Nuclear Materials Management, Vol. 11, pp. 32-37, November 2012. Received J. D. Williams student paper award from INMM.
  43. J. Mattingly and D. J. Mitchell, “Implementation and Testing of a Multivariate Inverse Radiation Transport Solver,” Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Vol. 70, pp. 1136-1140, July 2012,
  44. I. Meric, G. A. Johansen, M. B. Holstad, J. Mattingly, and R. P. Gardner, “On the treatment of ill-conditioned cases in the Monte Carlo library least-squares approach for inverse radiation analyzers,” Measurement Science and Technology, Vol. 23, April 2012,
  45. J. Mattingly, “Computation of Neutron Multiplicity Statistics Using Deterministic Transport,” Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol. 59, pp. 314-322, April 2012,
  46. J. Mattingly, D. J. Mitchell, and L. T. Harding, “Experimental Validation of a Coupled Neutron-Photon Inverse Radiation Transport Solver,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A, Vol. 652, pp. 537-539, October 2011,
  47. E. C. Miller, B. Dennis, S. D. Clarke, S. A. Pozzi, and J. K. Mattingly, “Simulation of polyethylene-moderated plutonium neutron multiplicity measurements,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A, Vol. 652, pp. 540-543, October 2011,
  48. J. Mattingly and D. J. Mitchell, “A Framework for the Solution of Inverse Radiation Transport Problems,” Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol. 57 pp. 3734-3743, December 2010,
  49. J. D. Edwards, J. K. Mattingly, S. A. Pozzi, “Analysis of Neutron Reflection in Correlation Measurements,” Journal of Nuclear Materials Management, Vol. 32, pp. 26 – 30, November 2003.
  50. S. A. Pozzi, R. B. Oberer, L.G. Chiang, J. K. Mattingly, and J.T. Mihalczo, “Higher-order statistics from NMIS to measure neutron and gamma ray cross talk in plastic scintillators,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A, Vol. 481, pp. 739-748, April 2002,
  51. J. T. Mihalczo, J. A. Mullens, J. K. Mattingly, and T. E. Valentine, “Physical description of nuclear materials identification system (NMIS) signatures,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A, Vol. 450, pp. 531-555, August 2000,
  52. M. J. Paulus, J. T. Mihalczo, T. E. Valentine, J. A. Mullens, J. E. Breeding, T. Uckan, J. Mattingly, G. Turner, and M. C. Smith, “A novel method for determining pulse counting circuitry dead time using the Nuclear Weapons Inspection System,” Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol. 45 pp. 710-714, June 1998,