Oludamilola (Dami) Fasina: Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Engineering from NCSU (2019). Dami developed an automated system to calibrate arrays of organic scintillators, and he integrated GPS, orientation, and pressure-temperature-humidity (P-T-H) sensors into a data acquisition system for a network of NaI inorganic scintillators.
Ciara Rice: Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Engineering from NCSU (2019). Ciara experimentally characterized NaI inorganic scintillator resolution and efficiency to enable source localization using a network of NaI detectors.
Ashley Scoville: Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Engineering from NCSU (2019). Ashley implemented and tested a multichannel analyzer on the Red Pitaya system-on-a-chip ADC/FPGA/CPU for data acquisition by a network of NaI inorganic scintillators used to localize radiation sources.
Benjamin Reed, Master of Physics (MPhys) from University of Surrey (2017). Ben conducted his MPhys research year abroad at NCSU measuring low-energy proton light yield using Triangle Universities Nuclear Lab’s tandem Van de Graaff accelerator.
Kelsey Reamer, Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Engineering from NCSU (2012). Kelsey experimentally characterized the energy linearity and resolution of the fast inorganic scintillator CeBr3.
Alex Okowita, Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Engineering from NCSU (2012). Alex developed nonlinear regression methods to estimate neutron multiplication in subcritical fissile assemblies from neutron multiplicity counting measurements.